CVS Archive
Description: OpenSS7 Resources CVS Archive.
Viewing the OpenSS7 Project CVS Archive is permitted only to subscribers and
sponsors of the project. If you would like to subscribe or sponsor the
OpenSS7 Project, send mail to
OpenSS7 Corporation.
Before being permitted to enter the archive you will be prompted for your
subscription or sponsorship user name and password. Please have your assigned
username and password available before clicking on Enter.
CVS Web Source Browsing
Enter the CVS Archive here:
Following are the roots of the CVS tree for various release packages and
CVS PServer Access
CVS pserver access is only provided to OpenSS7 Subscribers, Sponsors and
Partners. If you are an OpenSS7 Subscriber, Sponsor or Parnter, our CVS
pserver can be accessed as follows (Below, provide the username and password provided you
with your subscription, sponsorship or partnership):
export CVSROOT
cvs login
Password: *********
# (any number of cvs related commands, such as:)
cvs co -r Working4 openss7/strss7
cvs logout